028: Exploring the Mysteries of the Feminine
What is transpiring with the...
We are electrical, chemical beings. Our unprocessed emotions are stored in...
This episode is a first – a treasure! Master Coach, and Intuitive...
Why do we compare ourselves to some perfect “composite” ideal...
Feel lonely much, lately? You’re not alone in your loneliness; many are...
Women are carrying multiple generations’ worth of trauma in our DNA. A...
When I talk with my friend Jen, little earthquakes happen — and that...
Things are falling and rising right now. How is this pandemic actually...
The whole world is on PAUSE. There are a lot of planetary shifts happening...
In quiet moments, I’ve had some thoughts on what is happening right...
In this time of global uncertainty, relationships are on high alert. New...
What is it that actually “triggers” us when people we love choose...