The collective carries a “God wound” because of patriarchal dogma and the rejection of communion with nature as a way to connect to the Divine.
After being disillusioned by dogmatic religious teachings, a profound experience with a Native American medicine man opened Mare Cromwell (@greatmotherloveway) to channel the messages of Mother Gaia.
She shares her transformational journey of surrendering to the Earth Mother's guidance through the sacred act of writing...in her books "The Great Mother Bible" and "Messages from Mother Earth Mother." Through the process of opening to Gaia's loving presence, Mare learned to give voice to her long-suppressed earth-honoring spiritual nature and discovered that self-compassion and reverence for the natural world were the gateways to her healing.
- Nature’s COMMUNICATION with our souls is as natural as a mother & child’s.
- The critical need to honor the SACRED FEMININE and our connection to Mother Earth
- Words and language as a PORTAL for shedding religious wounding and reclaiming our place in the web of life
WATCH this episode on my YouTube channel: https://www.youtube.com/@SoulRoseShow
Mare will be guiding us in a free Mother Gaia GROUP MEDITATION on May 13th. To attend, ask to join our private Facebook group, Soul Rose COMMUNITY! https://www.facebook.com/groups/353442392180748/
Get my Free WHOLE BODY Healing Mini-Course: https://www.cherieburton.com/freeminicourse
Follow Mare on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/greatmotherloveway/
Mare mentioned the Thousand Goddesses gathering that takes place every Fall. The next one is Nov 1. These are ceremonies all over the world, invoking the divine feminine www.1000goddesses.net
Follow me on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/cherie.burton/