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We are currently in planetary-wide grief cycle. All of this displacement and transition – man, life as we knew it has shifted dramatically! What does loss, in any form, teach us? The other Cherie (ha!) – Cherie Rickard – is a Grief Recovery Specialist, the author of “Wake Up Call: A Mother’s Journey” and the host of Real Girl Talk Podcast Radio. She shares with us the story of losing her teenage son.
In this episode:
The #1 way to shift your energy in a high-vibe direction
Walking through grief; letting it guide and transform you
Writing, recording yourself and “being someone’s Simon” as powerful ways to heal
Link to this episode is in the comments below! (SUBSCRIBE to Women Seeking Wholeness on iTunes, Spotify, RadioPublic, Google Podcasts, and all other podcast platforms)
Find Cherie: www.CherieRickard.com
Cherie Burton is a mom of 6, author, international speaker & business owner, emotional healing enthusiast, and feminine leadership trainer. She specializes in the science and spirituality of emotions and sensory integration; a “whole soul” approach. Cherie has degrees in psychology and sociology and has worked as a counselor in the fields of mental health and addiction. She is a former Mrs. Utah and coaches females of all ages in private mentoring programs, retreats and online courses. Cherie travels internationally, empowering audiences with knowledge and tools to heal their emotions, find their callings, and receive wholeness.
Her Stand Speak Shine programs provide women with retreats and mentoring programs to empower them to heal, express and create